**v1.1.8.2 (March 2013)-disconnect after gray screen **v1.1.8 (Nov 2012) -addad support windows 8 ( new capture engine) -several bug fixes -better multi monitor support -new vncpasswd + encryption. Instead of using the password as part of the encryption, we now check the password insite the encryption by the server. This allow the server to balcklist servers after x fault password. WARNING: If using encryption plugin + vncpassword you better upgrade. No protection against Brute force password hacking. **v1. (Feb 2012)-removed beeps-Capture alpha-Blending default value.-Viewer crash fixed-Grayscale fixed-msi installers
As the posted solution does NOT work for all (including me, myself, and I), I want to leave a note for those seeking for another way (without registry hacking, etc.) to solve this on a Windows 64 bit system. Just add PATH (capital letters!!) to your environment Variables and set the value to your JDK-Path.
HACK Windows.7.Manager.v1.1.8.x86.x64
Download: https://urlcod.com/2vzW2U
You can also find a patch here: It covers support for older versions of rails:151c151,158 # hack to deal with removal of ActionController::AbstractRequest> if defined? ActionController::AbstractRequest> # Rails ActionController::AbstractRequest.relative_url_root = ops[:prefix] if ops[:prefix]> else> # Rails >= 2.3> ActionController::Base.relative_url_root = ops[:prefix] if ops[:prefix]> end 2ff7e9595c